One your own or as a team, run around, have fun and visit as many control points as you can.

Fun Fact: The term ‘orienteering’ was first used in 1886 at the Swedish Military Academy Karlberg and meant the crossing of unknown land with the aid of a map and a compass. Since then, it’s become a popular sport, with world championships held every year. There are also world championships of ski orienteering, trail orienteering and mountain bike orienteering held annually.
Orienteering is a self-led activity. Please ensure that one of your Leadership team is designated activity lead and has read the risk assessment and is present for the duration of the session. Where participants are very young or may need extra help, to get the most out of the session, it is recommended that additional Leaders attend the session to assist.
- Reflective learning
- Teamworking
- Developing a healthy lifestyle
- Connecting with nature
- Navigation
- Time in natural/green places
- Reflective working
- Team Building
- Cubs – Navigator – use map
- Scouts – Orienteer – Course